+MPU Silicon Valley – Volunteer Outing at Second Harvest

Second Harvest - Rocketship RWC Prep

Join us for a fun-filled day of giving back! We are excited to organize a volunteer outing at Second Harvest – Rocketship RWC Prep. This in-person event will provide an opportunity for us to come together as a community and make a difference.

Sign up individually using this link. The sign-up code is GR-28083.

At Second Harvest, we will be working together to help fight hunger in our local community. You can expect a hands-on experience as we sort and pack food donations, ensuring that they reach those in need. It’s a chance to lend a helping hand and meet like-minded individuals who share a passion for making a positive impact.

Remember to wear comfortable clothing and bring your enthusiasm! This event promises to be a rewarding experience, both for those we serve and for ourselves. Let’s make a difference together at the +MPU Silicon Valley – Volunteer Outing at Second Harvest!

About the Silicon Valley Chapter

Across cities and towns just like yours nationwide, we serve our communities by starting with bringing different neighbors together for events centered around Service, Leadership, and Civics.

By rolling up our sleeves side-by-side, we can begin to see that we have more in common than what divides us; that first and foremost we are fellow Americans with a common love for our families and communities.

These Chapters – also known as our Brickyards – are mobile places for neighbors to connect and solve local problems. We do this through respectful and open conversations, and to find higher ground as we work together brick-by-brick.

Our Silicon Valley Brickyard Chapter is led by Doug Seich and supported by Chance and Megan Smith.

Visit the Silicon Valley Chapter Page

Aerial view of downtown san Francisco, silicon valley